ReliefWeb - Training Opportunities

ReliefWeb - Training Opportunities

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ReliefWeb - Training Opportunities

Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA)

Fri, 26 Apr 2024 03:18:32 +0000

Country: Jordan
Organization: RedR Australia
Start date: 2 Jun 2024
End date: 4 Jun 2024
Registration deadline: 19 May 2024

Children are one of the most vulnerable groups in a humanitarian crisis and there is a growing demand for humanitarians with expertise in child protection. This course will broaden your understanding of child protection within the humanitarian system, based on the Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Minimum Standards, and you will be equipped with the right tools and strategies to apply in the field.

Course Objectives

  • Understand the risk factors that make children vulnerable in emergencies
  • Develop knowledge of best practices in prevention, preparedness and response to protecting children in emergencies
  • Understand how to apply the Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Minimum Standards for protecting children in humanitarian settings
  • Appreciate the role of coordination in child protection
  • Gain improved leadership and coordination skills in formal and informal cluster settings

Course Modules

  • Principles and Approaches to Child Protection in Emergencies
  • Being prepared for an emergency with a Child Protection lens
  • Addressing Child Protection needs
  • Developing Child Protection strategies
  • Mainstreaming Child Protection in emergencies
  • The Child Protection Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Action
  • Preparedness and Risk Informed Programming
  • The Minimum Standards and Preparedness
  • Coordinating in Humanitarian Settings s

This is a three-day, intensive, classroom-based course. The course equips and refreshes individuals with the knowledge to apply child protection skills through a combination of exercises and scenarios. It is ideal for people already involved or likely to be involved in child protection in emergencies programming, as a coordinator, practitioner and/or decision maker.

You are expected to have a base-level understanding of child protection issues and be aware of the risk factors that increase children's vulnerability during humanitarian action.

The course is in English and you need to have a reasonable proficiency of the English language.

How to register

Register for the course here:

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Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)

Fri, 26 Apr 2024 02:59:23 +0000

Country: Jordan
Organization: RedR Australia
Start date: 26 May 2024
End date: 29 May 2024
Registration deadline: 12 May 2024

Humanitarian workers and professionals are increasingly exposed to challenging, insecure, remote or hostile environments due to lawlessness, political instability and armed conflict. It is essential they are adequately prepared for any dangers they may encounter.

RedR Australia's internationally recognised Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) prepares individuals to work in crisis zones or a range of hostile situations. This rigorous classroom and simulation training will enhance your knowledge of personal security so you are prepared to face difficult security situations.

The training course integrates Tactical and Trauma Emergency Casualty Care training, giving you the skills and knowledge to operate in hostile environments around the world. Our trainers will deliver a combination of theory and practical based emergency medical training, teaching you the skills to manage ballistic, penetrating and blast trauma. Skills learnt on the training course include commercial and improvised tourniquets and hemorrhage control, airway management of an unconscious casualty and an array of improvised techniques teaching students how to save and preserve life with limited resources.

Who is this course for?

The Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) course is designed for people from all professional backgrounds and disciplines, and completion of the HEAT course is a prerequisite for full RedR Roster membership.

This course is targeted at individuals and aid agency staff wanting to learn more about personal safety and security issues and the steps they need to take to remain safe or survive in a hostile or insecure situation or environment.

The course is in English and is supported by Arabic speaking Trainers. You need to have a reasonable proficiency of the English language.

Course Objectives

To reduce the risk of injury and death to humanitarian workers by promoting:

  • an understanding of security risks in the field environment
  • the development of personal and team-based strategies
  • effective use of communication and navigation devices
  • successful application of first aid

Course Outline

  • Tactical and Trauma Emergency Casualty Care
  • Humanitarian Security Context (inc Image and Acceptance)
  • Trip Planning
  • Communications Protocol and Equipment
  • Field Preparedness and Evacuation
  • Critical Incident Stress
  • Navigation
  • Weapons Awareness: Judging Distance
  • Weapons Awareness: Movement under Fire
  • Basics of Negotiation
  • Sexual Assault
  • Hostage and Kidnap Survival (inc Hostile Observation Awareness)
  • Physical Security
  • Vehicle Check Points/Road Blocks
  • Crowds, Mobs and Demonstrations
  • Incident Reporting
How to register

Register for this course here:

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Organization Development and Systems Strengthening (ODSS)

Thu, 25 Apr 2024 03:32:35 +0000

Organization: IDEAL Public Health and Development Consultancy
Start date: 13 May 2024
End date: 17 May 2024
Registration deadline: 12 May 2024

Humanitarian and development agencies play a very significant role in addressing the gaps in service delivery at community level. However, studies have shown that most of these agencies often lack requisite technical, financial and managerial capacity to effectively address these challenges. This has resulted in poor utilization of resources and consequently low impact from their interventions among target communities.

In order to bridge the prevalent institutional and programming capacity gaps of humanitarian and development agencies, IDEAL Public Health and Development Consultancy (IPHDC) has organized a five-day training on Organization Development and Systems Strengthening (ODSS). This approach is globally applied by funding agencies, intermediary organizations, capacity-building consultants and civil society organizations (CSOs).

What is the main training objective?

To strengthen institutional and programming capacity of humanitarian and development agencies for greater impact of their actions.

When is the training?

13th to 17th May 2024

Who should attend this training?

Administrators of development and humanitarian agencies, program managers, project managers and officers.

What are the key aspects of the training?

  • Introduction to Organization Development and Systems Strengthening (ODSS).
  • Project Management.
  • Leadership and Governance.
  • Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement.
  • Financial Resource Management.
  • Administration and Human Resource Management.
  • Networking and Advocacy.
  • Knowledge Management.
  • Sustainability of organizations.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation.

What learning approach and language will be used in the training?

The entire training will be facilitated in English.

The training delivery method includes interactive webinar sessions, PowerPoint presentations, articles, videos, quizzes and assessments.

How to register

Interested individuals should complete our Course Application Form and submit it before Sunday 12th May 2024.

For more information, send an email to or call +254 (20) 2345572.

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STEM ConnectHER Speaker Series: Building a Rewarding Career in MNCs and Global Companies (Japanese)

Wed, 24 Apr 2024 08:23:12 +0000

Organization: The Asia Foundation
Start date: 11 May 2024
End date: 11 May 2024
Registration deadline: 11 May 2024

In the dynamic world of technology, multinational corporations (MNCs) stand at the forefront of innovation and growth. For women aspiring to build a fulfilling career, MNCs in the technology sector offer diverse roles, global exposure and a wealth of possibilities. ​Join us to learn about the career paths, leadership opportunities and mindset that is required to work in global technology companies like Micron and how the company shapes its culture and empowers women in STEM towards a brighter future.​

  • Event: Building a Rewarding Career in MNCs and Global Companies (online)
  • Date and Time: 11 May 2024 (Sat), 10:00 am Japan Time
  • Speaker: Utae Nakanishi, Vice President, Global Executive Business Partnering and People Services, Micron Technology Inc.
  • Language: Japanese

This event is part of STEM ConnectHER 2024 Speaker Series. The Asia Foundation’s STEM ConnectHER program is a pan-regional network-of-networks to connect and support the next generation of women in STEM by providing them with access to mentorship and professional development opportunities. Learn more at

STEM ConnectHER is part of The Asia Foundation’s Future Skills Alliance (FSA), a collective impact platform for private and public sector partners to deliver future skills at scale to the region’s underserved groups.

How to register

Register for free at

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STEM ConnectHER Speaker Session | Cybersecurity, AI and Cloud: Career Opportunities for Women in Emerging Tech

Wed, 24 Apr 2024 08:13:26 +0000

Organization: The Asia Foundation
Start date: 8 May 2024
End date: 8 May 2024
Registration deadline: 8 May 2024

Learn about the exciting new opportunities for women in emerging technologies like cybersecurity, AI and cloud from Shehara Viswanathan, Leader Partner Services Adoption and Growth APJC at Cisco Global Customer Experience (CX) Partner Success.

This event is part of STEM ConnectHER 2024 Speaker Series. The Asia Foundation’s STEM ConnectHER program is a pan-regional network-of-networks to connect and support the next generation of women in STEM by providing them with access to mentorship and professional development opportunities. Learn more at

STEM ConnectHER is part of The Asia Foundation’s Future Skills Alliance (FSA), a collective impact platform for private and public sector partners to deliver future skills at scale to the region’s underserved groups.

How to register

Register for free at

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Explore Digital: Empowering MSMEs in their Journey to Digitalization

Wed, 24 Apr 2024 07:54:28 +0000

Organization: The Asia Foundation
Start date: 8 May 2024
End date: 8 May 2024
Registration deadline: 8 May 2024

What steps can MSMEs take to enhance their digital capabilities? Join us on May 8 as we explore the top digital tools and platforms to help businesses digitalize and expand their operations.

Empowering MSMEs in their Journey to Digitalization
8 May 2024 (Wed), 10:00-11:15 am GMT+7


  • Arlene Martinez, Founder, MyKartero
  • Nofi Bayu, CEO, Komerce
  • Ambika Sangaran, COO, Mereka

Explore Digital is part of the Go Digital ASEAN initiative implemented by The Asia Foundation with funding from, Google’s philanthropic arm, and is endorsed by the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (ACCMSME). Learn more at

How to register

Register for free at

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Cours d’initiation à KoboToolbox - Essentials Course en français

Wed, 24 Apr 2024 04:05:33 +0000

Organization: KoboToolbox

Le Cours d'initiation à KoboToolbox est un cours indépendant, entièrement traduit en français. Grâce au soutien de la merveilleuse équipe de traducteurs de CLEAR Global, tous les contenus pédagogiques du cours sont en français, y compris les exercices pratiques et les sous-titres des vidéos. Avec le lancement officiel du Cours d'initiation à KoboToolbox, vous pouvez désormais suivre notre Essentials Course en anglais ou en français.

Dans le cadre de notre mission visant à rendre nos outils de collecte de données accessibles à tous, nous sommes impatients de partager cette ressource et d'aider davantage d'organisations à travers le monde à utiliser notre plateforme pour leurs projets.

À propos du cours

Le Cours d'initiation à KoboToolbox couvre un ensemble de compétences en matière de collecte de données, dont la création et le déploiement de formulaires, la réalisation de rapports et l'utilisation de fonctionnalités plus avancées telles que le branchement conditionnel et les sélections en cascade.

Grâce à des leçons simples et des exercices pratiques, vous apprendrez à maîtriser KoboToolbox pour collecter, gérer et analyser vos données de manière plus efficace. À l'issue de la formation, vous recevrez un certificat officiel de réussite du Cours d'initiation à KoboToolbox.

Quelle est la durée et le format du cours ?

Le cours est entièrement en ligne et à votre rythme, ce qui signifie que vous pouvez le suivre selon votre propre emploi du temps, et il comprend 11 modules d’apprentissage avec 3 heures d’instruction vidéo. Chaque module d'apprentissage comprend des vidéos, des quiz et des exercices pratiques pour vous aider à appliquer ce que vous apprenez. Vous trouverez également des cours écrits accompagnant chaque vidéo et un résumé du sujet du module pour renforcer les concepts importants.

Le Cours d'initiation à KoboToolbox est disponible en français et en anglais sous le nom de KoboToolbox Essentials Course. Nous sommes actuellement en train de traduire le cours dans plusieurs autres langues et nous vous remercions de votre patience.

À qui s’adresse le cours ?

Ce cours est parfait pour toute personne découvrant l'utilisation de KoboToolbox pour le développement de formulaires, le déploiement de formulaires sur le terrain et la collecte de données. Il est également utile pour ceux qui ont besoin de rafraîchir leurs connaissances sur l'utilisation efficace de KoboToolbox. Aucun prérequis n'est nécessaire. En suivant le Cours d'initiation à KoboToolbox, vous obtiendrez une introduction à KoboToolbox et développerez des compétences de base en matière de collecte et de gestion de données.

Dans quelles langues les cours et les vidéos sont-ils disponibles ?

Actuellement, le cours est disponible en anglais et en français. La formation en français comprend tout le contenu du cours, ainsi que l’ensemble des sous-titres des vidéos pédagogiques, en langue française. Veuillez noter que certaines des ressources supplémentaires fournies ne sont actuellement disponibles qu’en anglais.

Notre équipe prévoit, à l’avenir, de traduire la formation dans d’autres langues. Nous apprécions votre patience pendant que nous travaillons vers une meilleure accessibilité du cours pour le plus grand nombre possible d’apprenants. Au fur et à mesure que nous continuons à apporter des améliorations, nous espérons vous proposer un plus grand nombre de supports de cours traduits en plusieurs langues.

Suivez-nous sur X/Twitter , LinkedIn ou Facebook pour être informé(e) des mises à jour du cours.

À propos de KoboToolbox

KoboToolbox permet aux organisations à impact social du monde entier d’avoir accès aux données de grande qualité. Conçu par des spécialistes de la collecte de données, en particulier pour des environnements difficiles, KoboToolbox est facile à utiliser, adaptable et permet une utilisation efficace des ressources.

KoboToolbox est l'outil de collecte de données le plus utilisé pour l'action humanitaire, le développement, la consolidation de la paix, les droits de l'homme, la protection de l'environnement et d'autres initiatives à impact social.

Inscrivez-vous pour être informé(e) des actualités des cours KoboToolbox Academy :

How to register

Avec le lancement officiel du Cours d'initiation à KoboToolbox, vous pouvez désormais suivre notre Essentials Course en anglais ou en français :

Si vous souhaitez inscrire toute votre équipe ou plusieurs membres de votre organisation, veuillez nous contacter à

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Gestión de la seguridad de Organizaciones No Gubernamentales

Wed, 24 Apr 2024 03:15:05 +0000

Organization: La Cooperativa Humanitaria SCCL
Start date: 3 May 2024
End date: 7 Jul 2024
Registration deadline: 2 May 2024

Este curso tiene por objetivo capacitar y formar al personal de organizaciones humanitarias para gestionar adecuadamente la seguridad de los equipos de terreno.
Ofrece una visión global de la gestión de la seguridad mediante el manejo de las principales estrategias, herramientas y procedimientos útiles para la gestión de la seguridad de los equipos y los programas en el sector humanitario.
El curso inicia el 3 de mayo de 2024 y finaliza el 7 de julio de 2024, con una dedicación total estimada de 40 horas para que los y las participantes puedan compaginarlo con sus deberes y responsabilidades profesionales y/o personales.

¿A quién va dirigido?

Este curso está orientado principalmente a personas que supervisan o prestan apoyo directamente a las operaciones en el contexto de la acción humanitaria, como pueden ser responsables y coordinadores de programas. No obstante, el curso también puede ser de utilidad para cualquier persona que gestione equipos de terreno o tenga interacción con varias contrapartes en entornos hostiles.

Si bien el contenido del curso está particularmente orientado a organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONGs), internacionales y nacionales, otras organizaciones trabajando en contextos hostiles también pueden encontrarlo útil.

¿Qué aprenderé?

Al finalizar el curso, las personas participantes serán capaces de:

  • Describir los componentes del marco de gestión de la seguridad de las agencias humanitarias y de cooperación
  • Establecer la relación entre el mandato de la organización, su misión y sus estrategias operacionales y la gestión de los riesgos de seguridad vinculadas al entorno
  • Realizar análisis del contexto, establecer indicadores de monitoreo de situación y establecer procedimientos acordes al nivel de seguridad vigente
  • Describir y aplicar la metodología de Gestión de riesgos de la seguridad
  • Adoptar conscientemente la estrategia de seguridad más apropiada a la identidad de la organización y su estructura, al contexto operacional y a los programas en implementación
  • Gestionar de forma efectiva los incidentes de seguridad, controlando impactos físicos, financieros, legales y de reputación
  • Realizar un correcto uso de la información para mejorar la gestión de la seguridad y fomentar una cultura de seguridad en el seno de la organización
  • Aplicar una metodología participativa y eficiente para la revisión regular y la socialización interna de los planes locales de seguridad

¿Qué temas se tratan?

Los contenidos del curso están orientados a obtener una visión global de la gestión de la seguridad recorriendo los distintos elementos que conforman el Marco de Gestión de la Seguridad, concretándose en los siguientes módulos y fechas:

  • Módulo 1. Introducción a la gestión de la seguridad en ONGs (3/05/24 al 12/05/24)
  • Módulo 2. Identidad y percepción (13/05/24 al 19/05/24)
  • Módulo 3. El entorno operacional (20/05/24 al 26/05/24)
  • Módulo 4. Análisis de riesgos (27/05/24 al 02/06/24)
  • Módulo 5. Estrategias de seguridad (03/06/24 al 09/06/24)
  • Módulo 6. Plan de seguridad (10/06/24 al 16/06/24)
  • Módulo 7. Gestión de incidentes (17/06/24 al 23/06/24)
  • Módulo 7. Gestión de incidentes (continuación) (24/06/24 al 30/06/24)
  • Módulo 8. Proyecto final individual (01/07/24 al 07/07/24)

Para la total consecución del curso y obtención del certificado, se propone la realización de un proyecto final individual que consiste en la revisión crítica o la elaboración del plan de seguridad del proyecto respectivo o de un proyecto ficticio basado en un estudio de caso específico con el apoyo de el/la tutor/a.

¿De qué modo se imparte?

Este es un curso en línea autónomo y tutorizado organizado en 8 módulos consecutivos y un proyecto final individual.

En cada módulo el participante deberá completar:

  • Presentaciones en forma de vídeos interactivos que contienen el núcleo de contenido teórico de los módulos y que es necesario revisar para poder seguir la lógica de los ejercicios y actividades del módulo
  • Actividades individuales obligatorias necesarias para evaluar la adquisición de conocimientos. Algunas actividades serán revisadas a título individual por el/la tutor/a mientras que otras recibirán una respuesta tipo para autocorrección
  • Materiales adicionales para complementar la información que se ofrece en la parte obligatoria como bibliografía relacionada y vídeos explicativos

Se estima una dedicación necesaria aproximada de 40 horas totales para completar los 9 módulos del curso, repartidos en 9 semanas en las que se incluye también el proyecto final.

Se habilitará el foro para que las personas participantes puedan compartir sus dudas y/o experiencias con otros participantes, crear comunidad y potenciar el aprendizaje colectivo; este foro abierto no estará dinamizado por el/la tutor/a del curso quien sí dinamizará los foros de debate relativos a actividades concretas.

En caso de dudas muy específicas, el/la tutor/a del curso puede responder directamente en el foro o individualmente, según cada caso.

¿Cómo se evalúa?

Durante los días de exposición de la materia de cada módulo a ritmo de un módulo por semana, las personas participantes deben realizar los ejercicios dentro de los tiempos asignados.
Los criterios de evaluación definidos para este curso son:

  • la compleción de todas las actividades autónomas obligatorias a tiempo (40%)
  • la compleción del proyecto final satisfactoriamente (20%)
  • superar el test final individual en línea con un 70% de las respuestas correctas (40%)

¿Obtendré un certificado?

La obtención del certificado del curso queda sujeto a la obtención de una nota global del 70% según los criterios de evaluación descritos.

¿Qué coste tiene?

El precio del curso es de 280€ (IVA incluido) por participante.

Para organizaciones o entidades interesadas en inscribir a un grupo de personas, contactar con la organización en el correo electrónico:
Para grupos de más de cinco personas, se aplicará un descuento del 10% a todo el grupo.

Esta formación puede ser bonificada por la FUNDAE, somos entidad formativa, no organizativa.

How to register

La inscripción al curso se puede realizar directamente online mediante este enlace. Previamente habrá que registrarse en la plataforma de formación. Una vez registrado, se le dirigirá a una plataforma de pago.

Para organizaciones o entidades interesadas en inscribir a un grupo de personas, contactar con la organización en el correo electrónico:
Para grupos de más de cinco personas, se aplicará un descuento del 10% a todo el grupo.

Esta formación puede ser bonificada por la FUNDAE para empleados con contrato en España, somos entidad formativa, no organizativa.

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Taller de especialización virtual «Programas de transferencias monetarias y protección: Perspectivas y experiencias»

Wed, 24 Apr 2024 03:12:09 +0000

Organization: Instituto de Estudios sobre Conflictos y Acción Humanitaria
Start date: 16 May 2024
End date: 16 May 2024
Registration deadline: 5 May 2024

El próximo 16 de mayo a las 16.00H (UTC+2) | 9.00H (UTC-5) celebramos el seminario virtual «Programas de transferencias monetarias y protección: Perspectivas y experiencias».

El uso de programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) humanitarios ya representa el 20% del total de la asistencia humanitaria global. En los últimos años, los actores que están usando PTM para fines de protección han producido una plétora de evidencia, guías y herramientas sobe los PTM y protección. Sin embargo, el uso de PTM para fines de protección es el sector que menos reporta usarlos. Hay una brecha notable entre la aplicación de los recursos disponibles y la practica en respuesta humanitaria.

Con el propósito de incrementar el conocimiento de buenas prácticas, crear espacios de intercambio y mejorar la calidad de los PTM para protección, la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), el Instituto de Estudios sobre Conflictos y Acción Humanitaria (IECAH), el Task Team de Cash para Protección del Clúster Global de Protección y la CALP Network convoca este taller sobre PTM y Protección.

El taller tiene un carácter práctico y alternará las presentaciones teóricas con la exposición de casos prácticos en grupos reducidos en los cuales se conocerán experiencias de diversas instituciones (ONG y organismos internacionales). El taller se facilitará en línea a través de la plataforma Microsoft Teams.

Adicionalmente se compartirán una serie de lecturas recomendadas para orientar sobre la temática del taller a las personas seleccionadas.

How to register


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Mongolia Cash Working Group Learning Event

Tue, 23 Apr 2024 02:20:46 +0000

Country: Mongolia
Organization: CALP Network
Start date: 7 Jun 2024
End date: 14 Jun 2024
Registration deadline: 28 Apr 2024

The event is comprised of two parts:

Part 1: CVA Lessons Learned Workshop on7th June 2024, Friday

Part 2: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff Training on 10th to 14th June 2024, Monday to Friday

Please note that this is a six-day face-to face dovetailed event, which intends to gather those involved in CVA programming in Mongolia and are members of the Cash Working Group (CWG). It will take place in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

The deadline for registration/application is at 11:59pm, 28th April 2024, Mongolia time.

With the intention to gather the learnings and reflection from the ongoing dzud early action and response, the regional CWG, Mongolia CWG, and CALP Network, felt the need to gather humanitarian agencies involved in CVA programming for a learning event.

To achieve this, the CWG and CALP Network will organize a six-day learning event, with two-pronged approaches: (1) Lessons learned workshop, and (2) Capacity-support through a training. The Mongolia CWG will lead the learning workshop to review, learn, and plan based on its dzud anticipatory action and responses (one day). CALP Network will deliver the Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff training (five days). CALP will commission a certified trainer to lead the training with the support of two (2) co-facilitators. The lead trainer will also co-facilitate and document the learning workshop.

Below are the specific objectives of this approach:

CVA Lessons Learned Workshop

By the end of this workshop, the CWG members have:

  1. Identified and synthesized the enabling factors and challenges that impeded the delivery of CVA during the 2024 dzud response.
  2. Agreed on plans to address the priority issues affecting planning and delivery, and coordination.

Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff Training

This course is structured around the project cycle and covers all the key skills required to design, implement and monitor cash and voucher assistance. The course is focused on a technical/programmatic perspective and incorporates examples and case studies from multiple sectors. Therefore, this course is for programme staff responsible for designing, implementing, and monitoring cash and voucher programmes.

Course Aim

To develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence of humanitarian practitioners for cash and voucher assistance (CVA) technical design and quality.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Discuss the opportunities and challenges to delivering high quality CVA as part of humanitarian response.
  2. Use various assessments, including market assessment tools, to inform CVA appropriateness.
  3. Analyse assessment data to choose modality, delivery mechanism and transfer value.
  4. Ensure accountability towards affected populations during the CVA design and implementation process.
  5. Incorporate CVA and markets in monitoring frameworks.
  6. Identify best practices for CVA quality and sustainability.
  7. Navigate the existing tools, guidance, cases studies and research documents to find the most relevant and up-to-date information on CVA-related themes.

Target Participants

The lessons learned workshop and the CVA training invites practitioners that are involved in the CVA programming in Mongolia. The event is most suited to people with the following profile.

  • Must be involved in designing, implementing, or monitoring CVA programs within local non-government organizations (NGO), community-based organizations (CBO), United Nations agency, international NGO, or government sectors.
  • Willingness to contribute in discussions to highlight the strengths and areas for improvements in using CVA as a modality during the previous and current dzud early action and response and contribute to cash preparedness actions.
  • Preference for those with experience in CVA programming.
  • With a commitment to apply the training insights in their organization’s work and willingness to participate in follow-up activities.
  • Can speak and understand English, as it is the medium of instruction.

Participation Fee

The Mongolia Cash Working Group, CALP Network, and FAO alongside with the Mongolia Red Cross Society and World Vision Mongolia, will be able to offer the event with no registration fee for all participants. However, the participants are expected to cover the transportation cost, meals outside event hours, and accommodation expenses.

Who to contact?

If you have any questions about the training please contact: and

How to register

To apply visit this link: VISIT THIS LINK

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Global Campus online course: "Authoring Justice"

Tue, 23 Apr 2024 02:16:56 +0000

Organization: Global Campus of Human Rights
Start date: 3 Jun 2024
End date: 26 Jul 2024
Registration deadline: 24 May 2024

The Global Campus of Human Rights is proud to launch its first-ever specialised online course called “Authoring Justice”. Designed for those eager to enrich their craft and embark on the journey of writing a book or long-form work, this course is for prospective authors who are keen on writing non-fiction narrative centered on a variety of human rights topics: from climate justice to gender equality; from racial justice to social justice at large.

Lecturers and experts

Under the guidance of Professor Andrew Leon Hanna, award winning author of 25 Million Sparks: The Untold Story of Refugee Entrepreneurs (Cambridge University Press), participants will learn about the principles of narrative non-fiction writing, developing their own Capstone Project (~2,000-word piece) and receiving tailored personal feedback to nurture their ideas. Through 5 live webinars they will also hear from a dynamic, diverse group of international literary leaders – authors as well as publishers - who will share their invaluable wisdom, firsthand experiences and writing tips.

Confirmed guests so far include Justice Albie Sachs, renowned freedom fighter and former Judge on the Constitutional Court of South Africa; writer, campaigner and GCA alumna Jemma Neville; and Joel Rickett, Managing Director of Ebury Publishing, the non-fiction publisher at Penguin Random House.

The course, open to participants from diverse backgrounds, nationalities and experiences, is tailored to resonate with all those who seek to harness the power of the written word for profound social change. We will actively encourage creative brainstorming and support sharing feedback among participants.

How to register

Course dates: 3 June - 26 July 2024
Application deadline: 24 May 2024
25% Early rate discount for applications received and confirmed by 30 April 2024

In order to apply, kindly fill in the application form at this link.

For more information and to enrol, visit
For further queries, contact us at

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Ambulance Operator Training

Tue, 23 Apr 2024 02:03:50 +0000

Country: Kenya
Organization: Kenya Red Cross Society
Start date: 26 Jun 2024
End date: 7 Jul 2024
Registration deadline: 17 Jun 2024


This is a unique certificate of merit course that is aimed at rapid skill acquisition of drivers to safely and effectively manage casualties as well as safely operate vehicles outside the hospital setup.It emphasizes the theory and principles of defensive driving in both emergency and non-emergency situations.

Target Group

County Government drivers, Public and private companies, Police, Fire Fighters, KWS, and individuals with valid driving licenses.


i)Mini lectures

ii)Small group discussions

iii)Case studies


v) Demonstrations/Practicum

More information

How to register

Email :

Tel: +254 705 464 722/ +254 787 889 533

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First Responder Training

Tue, 23 Apr 2024 02:01:48 +0000

Country: Kenya
Organization: Kenya Red Cross Society
Start date: 26 Jun 2024
End date: 30 Jun 2024
Registration deadline: 17 Jun 2024


The course is designed for individuals who are first to arrive at an emergency scene to provide safe, efficient, and accurate pre-hospital care to a variety of incidents, which may range from fires, motor vehicle crashes, or collapsed buildings.

Target Group

Police,fire department,volunteers in the community,drivers and the general public.


i) Mini lectures

ii) Small group discussions

iii)Case studies

iv) Presentations


More information.

How to register


Tel:0705 464722/0787 889533

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Basic Life Support Training

Tue, 23 Apr 2024 01:59:51 +0000

Country: Kenya
Organization: Kenya Red Cross Society
Start date: 28 May 2024
End date: 28 May 2024
Registration deadline: 20 May 2024


The course equips individuals with life-saving skills for victims with compromised airways, breathing, and circulation.

Target Group

Health and Non - healthcare providers


i) Mini lectures

ii) Small group discussions

iii) Case studies

iv) Presentations

v) Demonstrations/Practicum

More information.

How to register


Tel: +254 705 464722/+ 254 787 889533

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Advanced Cardiac Life Support Training

Tue, 23 Apr 2024 01:58:22 +0000

Country: Kenya
Organization: Kenya Red Cross Society
Start date: 29 May 2024
End date: 31 May 2024
Registration deadline: 13 May 2024


This course highlights the importance of team dynamics, communication, system of care,pre-arrest arrest, and post-cardiac arrest care.

Target Group

Medical doctors, Nurses, Clinical officers, and advanced paramedics.


i) Mini lectures

ii)Small group discussions

iii) Case studies

iv) Presentations


More information.

How to register


Tel: +254 705 464722/+254 787 889533

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Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support Training

Tue, 23 Apr 2024 01:55:07 +0000

Country: Kenya
Organization: Kenya Red Cross Society
Start date: 12 Jun 2024
End date: 14 Jun 2024
Registration deadline: 13 May 2024


The course is designed to provide pre-hospital care workers with specific knowledge related to the pre-hospital assessment and care of the trauma patient.

Target Group

The target group includes Hospital and pre-hospital care workers.


i) Mini lectures

ii)Small group discussions

iii)Case studies


v) Demonstrations/Practicum

More information

How to register


Tel: +254 705 464722/+ 254 787 889533

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Curso HEAT - TECC (Hostile Environment Awareness Training – Tactical Emergency Casualty Care)

Tue, 23 Apr 2024 01:50:39 +0000

Country: Colombia
Organization: La Cooperativa Humanitaria SCCL
Start date: 18 Jun 2024
End date: 21 Jun 2024
Registration deadline: 30 Apr 2024

Descripción del curso

Vivimos un momento en el que los ataques violentos a organizaciones y trabajadores humanitarios son habituales. Es importante que las organizaciones humanitarias tomen medidas proactivas para garantizar que su personal desplegado en terreno esté adecuadamente capacitado para trabajar en entornos peligrosos y de alto riesgo.

Los participantes del HEAT-TECC aprenden principalmente a reconocer, analizar y evitar riesgos; si sucede lo peor, se les enseña a reaccionar de una manera que maximice su probabilidad de sobrevivir.

HEAT-TECC es un curso residencial de 4 días diseñado por trabajadores humanitarios para trabajadores humanitarios cuya actividad los lleva a áreas remotas difíciles u hostiles. En zonas de gobiernos débiles, conflicto, desastres naturales y guerra, llevar a cabo un proyecto puede ser arriesgado. Los asaltos violentos, los robos, las emboscadas o los secuestros son peligros muy reales. Muy a menudo, las instalaciones médicas son pocas y no están al alcance.

La capacitación es impartida por formadores experimentados y profesionales con una amplia experiencia en terreno, lo que brinda a los participantes la confianza y las habilidades para operar fuera de sus zonas de confort habituales. Esta edición en español se implementa en colaboración entre SAHCO y La Cooperativa Humanitaria; ambas entidades acumulan una gran experiencia en el sector humanitario, en consultoría técnica y en la impartición de formaciones enfocadas a organizaciones y trabajadores del sector humanitario.


El curso está diseñado para ser informativo y altamente participativo, combinando un 75 % de desafíos prácticos con un 25 % de teoría relevante impulsada a través del aprendizaje colaborativo. Los métodos del curso se basan en juegos de roles, simulaciones realistas y un escenario continuo que mantendrá a los participantes inmersos en esa realidad durante cuatro días.

Los participantes se convertirán en miembros de un equipo que evaluará una crisis en un país extranjero. El escenario comienza a la llegada al lugar del curso y termina después de cuatro días. La teoría y el aprendizaje práctico se combinan con escenarios actualizados que requieren la toma de decisiones y la acción en equipo. Los participantes viajarán a distintos lugares y se confrontarán con dilemas éticos, situaciones hostiles y presiones constantes por la inseguridad.

La carga lectiva del curso es de un total de 30 horas en horario de mañana, tarde y noche.

Objetivos de aprendizaje y contenido

Gestión inclusiva de riesgos

La capacitación se basa en los principios fundamentales de la seguridad y la protección de forma inclusiva e integrada con el fin de que los participantes comprendan su rol individual al garantizar su propia seguridad y la de todo el equipo. La seguridad inclusiva e integrada permite que los programas y las operaciones funcionen de la manera más eficiente y segura posible. Se tratarán principalmente:

  • Principios Clave del Marco de Gestión de la Seguridad: Análisis Contextual y Mapeo de Actores.
  • El papel de las diferentes estrategias de seguridad, incluida la aceptación, la protección y la disuasión.

Preparación personal

  • Análisis, anticipación y mitigación de riesgos de seguridad y protección.
  • Manejo del estrés y desarrollo de la resiliencia psicológica
  • La imagen y percepción de terceros
  • Conceptos básicos de la negociación de acceso
  • Gestión de conflicto, agresión y hostilidad
  • Municiones, armas y explosivos de tierra
  • Gestión de emboscadas, detenciones, minas y otras amenazas en carretera
  • Cómo usar convoyes y tácticas de evasión en caso de un incidente crítico
  • Preparación para la gestión de incidentes críticos
  • Comunicación efectiva durante un incidente crítico

Primeros auxilios en un entorno aislado

La confianza en la prestación de primeros auxilios con el material necesario o en situaciones límite, la realización de una valoración vital primaria y secundaria, la estabilización de hemorragias, fracturas, quemaduras graves y otras lesiones pueden ayudar a reducir la tasa de mortalidad y lesiones graves en cualquier contexto.

  • Introducción al protocolo médico MARCHE
  • Control de sangrado
  • Víctimas inconscientes, fracturas y quemaduras
  • Colisiones de tránsito y respuesta de primeros auxilios
  • Emergencias Médicas No Traumáticas
  • Gestión de aflujo de heridos

Mitigación del riesgo de abducción, supervivencia y respuesta

El personal sabrá exactamente qué hacer si el secuestro es una amenaza inmediata, y qué hacer en caso de que el secuestro realmente suceda:

  • Indicadores para anticipar secuestros o tomas de rehenes
  • Cómo mitigar los riesgos
  • Cómo sobrevivir a la captura y vivir en cautiverio

Coste e inscripciones

El precio del curso HEAT – TECC en Colombia es de 1.900USD por participante, alojamiento (en habitaciones compartidas de máximo 2 personas) y manutención incluidos. Para organizaciones interesadas en cerrar una edición exclusiva con mínimo 16 participantes, el precio es de 1.800USD por participante. El coste incluye 4 noches, desde la noche anterior al inicio del curso.

Para realizar la inscripción a este curso, contactar con la organización en el correo electrónico:

Fechas y ubicación

Esta edición de la formación HEAT-TECC tendrá lugar los días 18, 19, 20 y 21 de junio de 2024. Los participantes deben llegar al lugar de formación el día 17/06/2024 por la tarde.

La formación se realizará en la finca Agua blanca, a 1h 15min de Bogotá, Colombia.

How to register

Para realizar la inscripción a este curso, contactar con la organización en el correo electrónico:

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Mastering the Basics of Budgeting

Thu, 18 Apr 2024 01:49:21 +0000

Organization: Philantropia
Start date: 2 May 2024
End date: 2 May 2024
Registration deadline: 30 Apr 2024

Are you part of a nonprofit organization or involved in grant/proposal writing? Join us for an insightful webinar on "Mastering the Basics of Budgeting." Understanding budgeting fundamentals is crucial for effective project management and fundraising success. In this webinar, we'll cover the basic aspects of budget development tailored specifically for nonprofits.

In this webinar you’ll learn:

  • Key components of a project budget and how to develop them effectively
  • Budget Development Process
  • Types of budget and what to include
  • Tips for Budgeting Accuracy
  • Communicating Budget Information

Date: 2 May 2024, Thursday

Time: 11:00 Am (CET)

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your budgeting skills and elevate your nonprofit projects to new heights. Reserve your spot now!

How to register

Click here to register.

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Health Emergencies in Large Populations (HELP)

Wed, 17 Apr 2024 04:43:09 +0000

Country: United States of America
Organization: Johns Hopkins University
Start date: 15 Jul 2024
End date: 26 Jul 2024
Registration deadline: 7 Jun 2024

The Health Emergencies in Large Populations (HELP) course was initiated by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and is offered by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in joint collaboration with PAHO/WHO and the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. For more than 25 years, the HELP course has offered humanitarian workers an intensive training experience in public health principles and disaster epidemiology. The course was founded based on the need for humanitarian workers to acquire a holistic understanding of the needs of refugees, internally displaced persons, and others affected by natural disasters and conflict in order to more effectively manage health crises in emergency settings.

The goal of HELP is to create an understanding of the public health needs of populations in disaster and conflict situations. This includes the background, underlying causes, and the dynamics that cause populations to be vulnerable in emergencies. Topics covered during the course include disaster management, food security and nutrition, environmental health, health and surveillance systems, humanitarian ethics, human rights and human security, conflict origins, and security for aid workers.

HELP includes lectures with the sector’s leading practitioners and academics. Through in-class assignments and group exercises, participants gain important skills necessary for humanitarian response, including skills in epidemiological methods and management of health emergencies.

The HELP course is typically offered twice per year, over two weeks in January (virtual) and July (in-person).

All healthcare and public health professionals working in large-scale health emergencies and humanitarian assistance should consider attending the course.

Previous participants have come from a variety of civil society, governmental, and private organizations and include nurses, physicians, public health professionals and humanitarian aid workers focused on health in humanitarian emergencies.

You can now apply for the in-person course in July 2024. This course will run from 15-26 July 2024. Some people might be able to receive a discount on the course fees.

Further details can be found on:

How to register

Please visit the website and follow the instructions: Send an email to the HELP team for the Summer 2024 Application and further information about the HELP course, including the availability of limited, basic, and low-cost accommodations.


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Online Certificate Course - Project Design Monitoring and Evaluation for Development Organizations and NGOs

Wed, 17 Apr 2024 03:57:11 +0000

Organization: Project Management for Development Organizations
Start date: 5 Aug 2024
End date: 23 Aug 2024
Registration deadline: 7 Aug 2024

This course presents the principles of Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation (DM&E) cycle. DM&E is a critical element of development projects as it provides the information needed to make decisions for project management, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the interventions and satisfy accountability requirements.

This course will enable you to understand and put into practice the principles of sound results-based monitoring and evaluation methodology in your project; you will build an understanding of the most common processes, tools, techniques, and theories that are necessary to monitor and evaluate a project. This course examines the defining characteristics of monitoring and evaluation techniques and introduces the student to a variety of project management techniques that can be applied in a development project context. Through case study exercises and group discussions, participants will learn the links between design, monitoring and project evaluation. This course will stimulate ideas on how to design and implement monitoring and evaluation processes that strengthen accountability and learning and contribute to project effectiveness.

The course is based on an interactive case-study approach, with hands-on exercises, homework reading materials, participant presentations, and online discussions. It focuses on peer learning and exchanging information on practical experiences in monitoring and evaluation. The online course has a duration of three weeks. Each week, the instructor will provide instructions to help students complete the required assignments. Students will participate in discussions and receive feedback from the course instructor, and have access to videos, lectures, tests, and assignments that can be accessed at any time. Students will apply their understanding in case study exercises that will be reinforced with feedback from the instructor.

As a student, you will follow a detailed schedule to complete the assigned activities, participate in discussion forums, and submit their exercises in order to receive a grade. Successful completion of all the course requirements will lead to the award of a Certificate of Completion.

Click here to download a copy of the Course Brochure

Course Content:

Lesson 1 – The Project Concept

  • The DME Cycle
  • Development Strategy
  • Project Identification
  • Needs Analysis
  • Theory of Change
  • Project Concept Note

Lesson 4 – Project Monitoring

  • Monitoring Fundamentals
  • Project Monitoring
  • Baseline Study
  • Data Management
  • Information Management
  • Monitoring Reports

Lesson 2 – Project Design

  • Design Principles
  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • Problem Analysis
  • Objectives Analysis
  • Logframe Matrix
  • Project Proposal

Lesson 5 – Project Evaluation

  • Evaluating the Project
  • Types of Evaluations
  • Principles of Evaluation
  • Evaluation Process Evaluation
  • Developing a ToR
  • Evaluation Reports

Lesson 3 – Project Planning

  • Planning the Project
  • Monitoring Plan
  • Selecting Indicators
  • Management Plan
  • Information Systems
  • Participatory Planning

Lesson 6 – Project Learning

  • The Learning Project
  • Learning Cycle
  • Reflective Practice
  • Lessons Learned
  • After Action Reviews
  • Learning Principles

Course Information:

  • Course materials are available for download from the online course module page to allow for printing and review.
  • Evaluation. It is required that participants complete the course evaluation after they take the final exam.
  • Credits. This course provides 35 PDUs (Professional Development Units)* or 35 contact hours.
  • This course is part of the certification program CDPM (Certified Development Project Manager). For more information about this program, please visit our website at

Student Feedback

"The courses at PM4DEV are great as they are easy to fit into your schedule as a working professional and you are very well supported in your learning. Would definitely recommend these courses to people wanting to expand their knowledge in PM." Adrianova Carrion - UCA- Nicaragua

"The course has really helped me to have a clear understanding of ways I can apply my field experiences in the design, Monitoring and Evaluation a project" John Olahan, Save the Children, Nigeria

"As someone now entering the development sector, this course helped me to gain a solid foundation in designing, monitoring and evaluating projects. The course material was relevant, in-depth and understandable. I have even started meeting a lot of the course terminology in my everyday work." Romario Edwards, Trinidad and Tobago

"The PDME course provided me many tools that I can apply in my work as a programme manager. It also gave me a better understanding of the organisation's processes concerning design, monitoring, evaluation and learning and how I can help to improve these processes on a project level to assure effective and efficient implementation of project activities and successful completion of a project. " Melany Oey, Liberia

Click here to read feedback from our students

In 2013, PM4DEV became a PMI Global Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.). It means that our courses meet the strict criteria from the largest project management organization of the world, and that increases the value you obtain from learning at PM4DEV. Your investment in learning is secure, and you can be certain that our courses have the quality you expect.

How to register

Visit this link to register online:

On the registration page, you can choose your preferred payment methods. We accept all major credit cards in a secure online payment system. We also accept payments via money transfer. Registration will close one day before the start of the course. If you have any questions or require more instructions to send your payment, please contact me at:

Ana Torrelio

Student Services

Atlanta, USA

Click here to download a copy of the Course Brochure

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